
crown gear crown gear =crown wheel。

crown glass

Analyse the klingelnberg amk855 gear milling machine . through analyse the transmission chain of the gear milling machine , analyse the transmitting principle and manufacture principle , introduce the two - - part cutter head , the process of formation of extended epicycloide and inaginary crown gear cutting principle ; overall introduce the formation of tooth face , deduce the calculation formulas of the main setting parameter of gear milling machine , and proving the correctness of the setting calculation formulas by the program of ‘ calculating of klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear milling setting parameter ’ 通過剖析該機床的傳動鏈,分析了其運動原理和加工原理;介紹了雙層萬能刀盤、延伸外擺線的形成過程和假想平面產形輪切齒理論;全面介紹了齒面的形成方法,推導了銑齒機主要的調整參數的計算公式,并用“ klingelnberg擺線齒錐齒輪銑齒調整參數計算”的程序驗證了推導的公式的正確性。

Analyse the tooth geometry of klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear . , according to the relative position and kinematic relation of the cutter heads , virtual crown gear and the processed wheel blank , established the system of coordinates of the gear cutting , dedcuced the tooth face equation of the virtual crown gear , according to relations of the gear cutting and space theory of engagement , deduced the tooth face equation of klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear , and drawing the three - dimensional graphs of the virutal crown gear and klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear according to the design and setting parameters 對克林貝格擺線齒錐齒輪進行齒面幾何分析。根據銑齒加工中刀盤、搖臺和輪坯的相對位置和相對運動關系建立了切齒嚙合坐標系,由矢量的旋轉推導了產形輪齒面方程;根據空間嚙合原理和切齒嚙合關系推導了被加工齒輪的齒面方程;由設計參數和銑齒調整參數計算得到齒面離散數據,繪制了產形輪和擺線齒錐齒輪的三維齒形。

The main research work in the thesis is as follows : ( 1 ) base on the analysis of cutting principle and tooth geometry characteristics of klingelnberg cycloid bevel gear , the formula of tooth design calculation was verified and the equation of imaginary crown gear tooth flank was deduced by establishing appropriate coordinate system 主要研究工作和成果有: ( 1 )通過分析克林貝格擺線錐齒輪銑齒原理,對其部分幾何設計算法進行了推導驗證,并建立了適當的坐標系推導了假想冠輪的齒面方程。

Remote control gear with transmission tubing for manual operation ; deck operating devices with slewable crown gear unit , welding - in type 用手操作的帶傳輸管的遙控裝置.焊入式帶可快速旋轉的

Remote control gear with transmission tubing for manual operation ; leading - trough bearings with crown gear units slewable , watertight 手動發射管的遙控裝置.帶可回轉冠齒輪的防水的導向槽

Remote control gear with transmission tubing for manual operation ; protecting hoods for crown gear units , slewable 手動帶傳動管的遙控傳動裝置.可回轉冠形齒輪裝置防護

Remote control gear with transmission tubing for manual operation ; crown gear units , slewable 用手操作的帶傳輸管的遙控裝置.可快速旋轉的冠形齒輪

Basic crown gear 基準冠齒輪

Crown gear coupling 冕形齒聯軸節

Complementary crown gears 互補冠狀齒輪